The MSPinNYC2 project builds on a previous MSP-Targeted Partnership project (DUE-0412413, called the MSPinNYC), with new partners joining most of the original partners, to extend and deepen a promising program called the Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC), which was piloted during the earlier work. The PERC program restructures 9th grade STEM courses to have 7 or 8 Teaching Assistant Scholars facilitate group work on a daily basis. TA Scholars are average-achieving, i.e., not honors, 10th graders who passed the course and the associated required state exit examination during the previous year and are concurrently trained in a TA Scholar course led by the same teacher as the 9th grade class. Pilot studies with PERC during the MSPinNYC project suggested that the program reduces failure rates, closes achievement gaps, and improves graduation rates.
Project Contributions
Three Video Vignettes From MSPinNYC
These short video vignettes highlight the stories of three Teaching Assistant Scholars (TAS) involved in MSPinNYC's Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC) instructional model. Visit for more information.
These short video vignettes highlight the stories of three Teaching Assistant Scholars (TAS) involved in MSPinNYC's Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC) instructional model. Visit for more information.
Teens Teaching to Learn and Lead in NYC
Meet a school that has adopted the PERC Program. Hear how classroom instruction has changed, what teachers are doing differently. See the PERC classroom and hear from a student about…
Meet a school that has adopted the PERC Program. Hear how classroom instruction has changed, what teachers are doing differently. See the PERC classroom and hear from a student about…
The Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . ackling the largest school system in the nation, The Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC) is changing the way New York City schools reach todays urban youth. By encouraging middle achieving…
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . ackling the largest school system in the nation, The Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC) is changing the way New York City schools reach todays urban youth. By encouraging middle achieving…
Video: Something's Happening Here: A Radical Restructuring of Urban High School Mathematics and Science Classrooms
TRAILER: Something's Happening Here: A Radical Restructuring of Urban High School Mathematics and Science Classrooms. from Lisa Ruscigno on Vimeo .
TRAILER: Something's Happening Here: A Radical Restructuring of Urban High School Mathematics and Science Classrooms. from Lisa Ruscigno on Vimeo .
Podcast: New Model for the Urban Classroom
"Reform at both the local level and system-wide is needed for New York City public schools to succeed, according to Pamela Mills of the Math and Science Partnership in New…
"Reform at both the local level and system-wide is needed for New York City public schools to succeed, according to Pamela Mills of the Math and Science Partnership in New…
Poster for "MSPinNYC2"
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . PERC is a breakthrough model for high school mathematics and science instruction. PERC has the potential to reduce the Achievement Gap, increase engagement in math and science among urban youth,…
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . PERC is a breakthrough model for high school mathematics and science instruction. PERC has the potential to reduce the Achievement Gap, increase engagement in math and science among urban youth,…